Because I am a mom, I know how many emotions you must be feeling right now as the parent of a high school senior. Ten years of experience in not only photography but client relationships have left me with a permanent reminder of how important what I do and how I make you and your child feel during this experience is.
Maya Angelou said it best, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
I know that one of the three biggest investments you will ever spend on portraits is about to happen. In my experience, I find that most people hire a professional photographer on the day their child was born, graduation year and the day they get married. Why? Because these are the milestone moments. That fresh baby changed your life. That child you raised most likely raised the bar in you. I know that this journey has been a plural one and I know that most often after this year it turns into a singular one. You as I will question every day if we made the right decisions. If we prepared them for the future and most importantly did we raise someone of compassion and respect.
I want you to know when I photograph your child I see more then the perfect child presented to me, I see my own child. I recall my own daughter and the way she laughed when she was five and I hope to invoke that laugh your own daughter had when she was five so you can see that little girl in this moment. I see a day when I planned a wedding of my daughter, yet to happen, with my own mother who has passed on and I remember that I need to capture that woman your child has become. My own son who is a mix of sawdust and motor oil who climbs in bed to snuggle will one day help me climb into his truck. I know that I need to capture that side eye and grin he gives you when you tell him to stop fake smiling because I have told my son the same thing. I know that I must photograph all the men and women who have made this young man who he is today. This moment is more than photographing him with his truck its about knowing all the work that went into building it. That little boy who sat on grandpas knee and now holds his hand. The child that sat at grandmas dinner table to a warm meal is now the young adult helping them to prepare it. This moment and what I do is far beyond the click of the shutter.
When I say, "I want to be your photographer," I do not want to take your picture.... I want to tell your story.
When choosing your photographer I hope you trust me as a professional and also as a mother to capture the story of your heart.